Celebrations of Barka 35th Anniversary in Poland – 14th June 2024

Barka UK took part in the events celebrating 35th anniversary of Barka in Poland with nearly 600 of delegates from Poland and around the world. Both local and national authorities, entrepreneurs, international organisations cooperating with Barka, social economy entities and participants of Barka programmes were present, including Barka leaders and representatives of Barka network in Western Europe.

The celebrations started early morning at 8.00am with the guests gathering for the welcoming speech and opening remarks by Barbara Sadowska, the President of Barka Barka Foundation For Mutual Help. She talked about the humble beginnings of the foundation and outlined the future plans for development.

Speeches of Guests of Honour were next on the agenda and they included, among others: V-ce President of Poznan – Jedrzej Solarski, Minister Jakub Szewczyk from Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Voivoide of Wielkopolska region – Agata Sobczyk, Chairman on the Poznan City Council – Grzegorz Ganowicz.

Speaking on the behalf of an international network of Barka foundation were Martine Wendzinski from Barka in France and Tomasz Flinik from Barka Ireland. Martine talked about values important for Barka and Tomasz gave a testimony what his life had been before coming to Barka and how the organisation helped him to change his life round.

Next, Professor Miroslaw Grewinski gave an open lecture about entitled ‘Challenges of contemporary social policy’. A very interesting part of the event, was a presentation of Marek Nowakowski newest film ‘Paths of Reciprocity: Social Economy from Wielkopolska Region recorded in social enterprices in Wielkopolska region which reintegrate Ukrainian refugees and in Ukraine, in Oselya community in Lviv and social enterprises being born there.

After the film, Barka has handed out statuettes to individual from both local and national authorities and who have been cooperating and working with Barka for many years.

After the coffee break, the celebrations were resumed with 2 discussion panels about 1) responsible communities facing challenges of the modern world and 2) about migrations view as a challenge for Europe.


There were also stands of social enterprises available from the local communes presenting their products, all of them handmade, handicrafts.

After the lunch, the II Tomek Sadowski football tournament took place and other accompanying events.

Teams of Barka Ireland and Barka UK had a special gift commemorating Barka 35th Anniversary – a painting of a barge (barka).

There was also time for some important catch up and exchanging news:)

The day has rounded off with guests being invited to eat not 1 but 3 birthday cakes and a group photo.

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